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Bolu city in Turkey
  • Turkey , a country of beauty and art , the modern and developed country , with its history and ancient civilization , which is located in the middle o...
Famous places you must visit in Istanbul
  • The city of Istanbul is one of the most famous tourist cities in Turkey and in the world , where it is visited by tourists and visitors of different n...
Sultanahmet Mosque in Istanbul
  • Turkey , a jewel of the world , that has cultural treasures inherited through the ages . Turkey , a modern and developed country , with a history and ...
The most famous Turkish desserts
  • Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world . It is the same country that includes some of the most beautiful cities in the world ...
The Bosphorus , and the beautiful bridges of Istanbul
  • Istanbul is a charming and unique city from the rest of the world cities . Istanbul is the largest city on the continent of Europe , and the eighth la...
Zeytinburnu district in Istanbul
  • Istanbul is the largest city in Europe , the eighth largest city in the world , and the largest city in Turkey . Istanbul is the economic , commercial...